The 6 Best Crystals for Halloween

It’s the most wonderful time of the year….

Well, for some people at least!

I love Halloween a lot. It is getting a bit colder after the usual sweltering Los Angeles summer, pumpkins and ghosts abound, Scorpio season is here, and it’s time to hunker down and eat some candy.

As for my crystal brain, it’s a great time to look into the crystalverse and see what there is that compliments this season well. My top six crystals for Halloween are both on trend colorwise (😘) and energetically work super well for this season.

Here are my six crystals for Halloween!


The Best Crystals for Halloween

Orange Calcite

Orange, orange, orange. What else would there be for late October?! Orange Calcite is a cleansing stone, great to get rid of any negativity and start with a clean slate. It also works wonders on calming anxiety and releasing any fear or hesitation.

Along with the cleansing properties, Orange Calcite is also often used for spiritual connection and astral travel. If you are looking to connect with higher powers or consciousness, Orange Calcite can help bridge those connections. Use Orange Calcite to bring back memories of past lives and connect with ancestors.

Black Kyanite

Like most stones that are black in color, Black Kyanite is used most often for grounding or for full chakra alignment. It is also used to aid meditation and crystal healing, as it completely flushes out energetic blocks and brings everything back together. Along with that alignment comes calm and harmony, providing you with a complete sense of stillness and tranquility. I also include it on this list because it is used when honing or practicing your spiritual and psychic gifts. It is a healer’s stone, through and through.

Black Obsidian

Classic. Black Obsidian is the OG protection stone used everywhere to absorb bad spirits and even worse energies. It is incredibly connected to the earth, so it is incredible at staying grounded while also reaching out to other realms and energetic fields. Black Obsidian is also one of the most common crystals used in scrying - a divination method in which you gaze into a surface and look for connections, signs, and messages from spirits and loves ones.


Amethyst is the first crystal you should be grabbing when you want to connect to the spirit world. It’s beautiful purple hues are not only incredible to look at, they are also a great connector to angels and higher messengers. It works with both the 3rd eye and the crown chakra, associating itself with inner vision and psychic gifts. It is great to help with sleep, clear brain fog, and calm down anxious nervous systems. Finally, it is also a solid protection stone, keeping out any unwanted psychic vampires and energetic attacks.

Smokey Quartz

The theme here for spooky season is protection and connection. Smokey Quartz does both beautifully. It is also a great conductor of transformation and determination. It completely dissolves any negative energy it encounters, and transmutes it into positive and even healing energies. If you want a solid crystal team for grounding and meditation, keep Smokey Quartz at hand at all times.


Finally, the last player on our Halloween crystal lineup is Onyx. Another inky, jet-black stone, Onyx continues to bring in the themes of protection and grounding. The difference with Onyx though, is that within that protection energy is a big dose of strength and perseverance. This isn’t a lightly treading grounding stone - this is a full bulletproof vest for your energetic self. It protects against evil specifically, and keeps you calm and focused when dealing with erratic and dangerous vibrations.

Ways to Use Crystals at Halloween 

Halloween is quickly arriving and you have your spooky spiritual stones at the ready.. So what now? Here are three ways you can use them for Halloween / Scorpio Season.

Use Crystals to Connect with Spirits

All of the crystals I have shown you, minus Onyx, have a special superpower of connecting you to other realms. When paired with highly protective and grounding stones, using these crystals to aid you in connecting with spirits or loved ones who have passed is perfect at this time. Scorpio season is a time of darkness and connection, so what better time to bring your tools together and see what messages come through?

Using Crystals for Protection

MAJOR KEY🔑 for working with spirits and negative energies. Actually, energetic protection is vital, even in your regular day to day. There are so many other energetic fields out there - whether those be of people, places, or situations. Not letting yourself be negatively affected by them is self-care. You want to be able to be sure-footed and energetically stable regardless of the situations around you. Protection stones work so well for those who love the peace of mind that comes with having some extra energetic help on the side.

Using Crystals for Shadow Work

You didn’t think you would get out of Scorpio Season without the mention of Shadow Work, did you?! A popular phrase in the spiritual and mental health spaces, Shadow Work is the important work of facing yourself, regardless of the state you are in. It is acknowledging your humanness, and making lessons of past versions of yourself and the ways you have been. This is deep, hard work - so having crystals that will help keep you grounded and aligned will help you more than you can guess. Have some compassion for yourself through this type of work, and keep yourself hydrated, supported, and energetically balanced.


Scorpio Season picks at The AF

Here are a few things you can add to the cart for Scorp Season today!


Amethyst Sphere

Amethyst Sphere

Removes negativity and resistance to change, as well as helps with dream states and psychic connection.


Gold Sheen Obsidian Cats

Gold Sheen Obsidian Cats

I mean… need I say more? Perfect for Halloween, these Obsidian Cats will look incredible on an altar, in your room, or basically anywhere in your house. Oh, they will also throw down some serious vibrational grounding, so that is also a win. BONUS - these cats are hand carved by a family-owned business in Mexico!

Happy Halloween from The Auric Fields! 
🎃 🌈